Kate Duncan Smith DAR High School is proud to recognize these students who have earned the distinction of being ranked the academic top 10% of their graduating class.

Eli Cryer
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Dual Enrollment Scholar graduating with an Associate’s degree from Northeast Alabama Community College
Plans to attend the University of Alabama at Birmingham to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering before a career in tissue mechanics research
National Honor Society, Student Government Association President, Senior Class President, Marshall County Youth Leadership, Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish Honor Society, National Beta Club, Scholars Bowl, Marching and Jazz Bands, Choir
Recipient of a University of Alabama at Birmingham Provost Scholarship

Katelyn Dunnaway
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Dual Enrollment Scholar at Northeast Alabama Community College and Snead State Community College
Plans to attend Lipscomb University to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering before a career in aerospace engineering
National Honor Society, National Beta Club, Marshall County Youth Leadership, Student Government Association, Phi Theta Kappa and Sigma Kappa Delta Honor Societies, Alabama Governor’s School Nominee, Patriot Marching, Concert and Jazz Bands, Varsity Tennis Team
Recipient of Lipscomb University Presidential and Heritage Scholarships

Brady Largen
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate
Plans to attend Auburn University to study business and construction management for a career in project management
National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, LEO Club, Varsity Basketball, Baseball and Football Teams
Recipient of a Wendy’s Heisman Scholarship

Callie Ledbetter
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Dual Enrollment Scholar at Snead State Community College
Plans to attend Northeast Alabama Community College Nursing Program with plans to pursue a career as a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
National Honor Society, Honors Graduate, Student Government Association Vice President and Treasurer, LEO Club, Spanish Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Varsity Tennis and Cheer Teams
Recipient of a Northeast Alabama Community College Presidential Host Scholarship

Abigail Naugher
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Advanced Placement Scholar, Dual Enrollment Scholar
Plans to attend Jacksonville State University to pursue a Bachelor of Science in nursing and hopes to further her nursing career by earning a degree from the University of Mobile to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
National Honor Society, Student Government Association, Mu Alpha Theta, Art Club, Leo Club, Drama Club, Varsity Cheer, Volleyball and Tennis Teams
Recipient of a Jacksonville State University Gamecock Achievement Scholarship

Caitlyn O’Neal
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Advanced Placement Scholar, Dual Enrollment Scholar at Northeast Alabama Community College
Plans to attend the University of Alabama in Huntsville to earn a Bachelor’s degree in biological science with a pre-professional healthcare concentration, then enroll at the University of South Alabama to pursue a career as a Physician’s Assistant
2022 KDS Continental Congress Representative, National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, Leo Club, Patriot Historical Society, Anti-Bullying Club, FCCLA, Varsity Basketball and Softball Teams
Recipient of a Northeast Alabama Community College Loyalty Scholarship

Ella Satterfield
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Advanced Placement Scholar, Dual Enrollment Scholar at Northeast Alabama Community College
Plans to complete an Associate’s degree in pre-medicine at Northeast Alabama Community college, then study animal science at Auburn University to pursue a career as veterinarian
National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Math Team, FCCLA, Leo Club, Art Club, Spanish Club, Varsity Cheer and Tennis Teams
Recipient of the Beta Kappa Family Scholarship, Rickey Norris Memorial Scholarship, Northeast Alabama Community College Loyalty Scholarship

Connor Weems
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Advanced Placement Scholar, 24+ ACT, Dual Enrollment Scholar
Plans to attend Jacksonville State University for general studies
National Honor Society, Art Club, Leo Club, Patriot Marching and Concert Bands, Varsity Track Team
Recipient of a Jacksonville State University Gamecock Achievement Scholarship, University of Alabama in Huntsville Academic Recognition Scholarship

Lora Wilson
Academic Elite, Honors Graduate, Dual Enrollment Scholar graduating with an Associate’s degrees in general studies and biology from Northeast Alabama Community College
Plans to attend Jacksonville State University to double major in biology and forensic investigation to pursue a career as a Forensic Technician
National Honor Society, Student Government Association, Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish Honor Society, Patriot Marching and Concert Bands
Recipient of a Jacksonville State University Gamecock Excellence Scholarship, University of Alabama in Huntsville Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Alabama at Birmingham Presidential Scholarship